Cybertruck Engineer Begs Owners To Stop Abusing Their Trucks

Cybertruck Engineer Begs Owners To Stop Abusing Their Trucks

Gif: JerryRigEverything YouTube Elon Musk opened a can of worms when he originally showed the Cybertruck in late 2019. He passed the truck off as being incredibly tough, capable of handling anything, and “literally bulletproof.” Naturally, once owners began to get their hands on them in late 2023, they took Musk at his word. Since … Read more

Tesla Received $1M In Federal Tax Refunds On $4.4B In Earnings

Tesla Received M In Federal Tax Refunds On .4B In Earnings

Screenshot: Tesla A recent study found that 35 companies paid their top five executives more than they paid in Federal income tax across the five year span from 2018 to 2022. American automaker Tesla was by far the worst offender, as it actually netted $1 million in refunds from the government in that period, while … Read more

Tesla’s Gear-Shifting Problems Known Before Angela Chao’s Death

Tesla’s Gear-Shifting Problems Known Before Angela Chao’s Death

Billionaire and sister to former Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, Angela Chao, drowned in her Tesla Model X after accidentally reversing into a pond on a 900-acre Texas ranch last month. She’d reversed her Tesla Model X when she meant to drive forward during a K turn — a common problem with the vehicle among owners. … Read more

All The Tesla Cybertruck Screw Ups Since Delivery (So Far)

All The Tesla Cybertruck Screw Ups Since Delivery (So Far)

Photo: Kyle Grillot/Bloomberg (Getty Images) When Elon Musk launched the Tesla Cybertruck, a brutalist stainless steel monstrosity doubling as an electric pickup truck, there were plenty of signs that things were not, um, going well. First and foremost were its ridiculous looks, but then came the claims that this truck would be a bulletproof off-roading … Read more

Cybertruck Owner Claims Tesla Blacklisted Them After Trying To Flip It For $242,069

Cybertruck Owner Claims Tesla Blacklisted Them After Trying To Flip It For 2,069

Photo: Tesla The Tesla Cybertruck is expensive, rare and somewhat bulletproof, so we understand the temptation for owners to attempt to flip them for a quick profit. If you had something that you could sell for a $100,000 profit, you probably would too, especially if it came with the added bonus of no longer getting … Read more

Tesla Cybertruck Auction Prices Are Already Falling

Tesla Cybertruck Auction Prices Are Already Falling

After just a few weeks, Tesla Cybertrucks have already stopped commanding $200,000+ auction prices as the resale market becomes lightly flooded with the stainless steel monstrosities. One wholesaler even told Automotive News that it was “a market crash.” Welp, it was fun while it lasted. The Hype Behind Tesla Stock Success In 2023 Tesla, rather … Read more

No, A Flipper Zero Is Not A Tesla-Stealing Multitool

No, A Flipper Zero Is Not A Tesla-Stealing Multitool

According to what seems like half the internet, the Flipper Zero is a nefarious tool that enables the villainous sorcery known as “hacking.” Most recently, articles have gone around claiming that the Flipper allows hackers to steal Teslas right out from under the noses of their good, hardworking, American owners — a crime worthy of … Read more

Want to Steal a Tesla? Try Using a Flipper Zero

Want to Steal a Tesla? Try Using a Flipper Zero

Security researchers report they uncovered a design flaw that let them hijack a Tesla using a Flipper Zero, a controversial $169 hacking tool. Partners Tommy Mysk and Talal Haj Bakry of Mysk Inc. said the attack is as simple as swiping a Tesla owner’s login information, opening the Tesla app, and driving away. The victim … Read more

A Tesla Cybertruck Crashed Into The Beverly Hills Hotel Sign

A Tesla Cybertruck Crashed Into The Beverly Hills Hotel Sign

If you follow social media, you’ll know that there have been more than a few crashes and fender benders involving the Tesla Cybertruck. Yet another such crash happened in Beverly Hills last night, reportedly involving the actual owner of the truck. Walter Isaacson On Elon Musk(s) We came across the incident on Twitter X. A … Read more

Elon Musk Promises To ‘Make Things Good’ With Black-Owned Bakery Tesla Screwed Over

Elon Musk Promises To ‘Make Things Good’ With Black-Owned Bakery Tesla Screwed Over

Elon Musk is not a man who is known for doing the right thing, but since a broken clock is still right twice a day, he may be doing just that. The Tesla CEO said that he would “make things good” with the black-owned bakery in San Jose, California that the automaker royally screwed over. … Read more