Pakistan: Christians take to streets to protest against yet another mob attack over blasphemy

Pakistan: Christians take to streets to protest against yet another mob attack over blasphemy

Angry members of the Christian community took to the streets to protest after a Muslim mob attacked a Christian factory owner in Punjab’s Sargodha district for alleged blasphemy, Union of Catholic Asian News reported. The incident occurred on May 25 when an angry mob, assaulted a Christian person, vandalized his house, and torched properties alleging … Read more

Violence is traumatizing Haitian kids. Now the country’s breaking a taboo on mental health services

Violence is traumatizing Haitian kids. Now the country’s breaking a taboo on mental health services

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — Students often throw up or wet themselves when gunfire erupts outside their school in northern Port-au-Prince. When they do, school director Roseline Ceragui Louis finds there’s only one way to try to calm the children and keep them safe: getting them to lie on the classroom floor while she sings softly. “You … Read more

Celebrating excellence in journalism and the arts, Pulitzer Prizes to be awarded Monday

Celebrating excellence in journalism and the arts, Pulitzer Prizes to be awarded Monday

NEW YORK — The Pulitzer Prizes are set to be announced on Monday, traditionally the most anticipated day of the year for those hoping to earn print journalism’s most prestigious honor. Along with honoring winners and finalists in 15 journalism categories, the Pulitzer Board also recognizes distinguished work in areas including books, music and theater. … Read more

Retired Texas Car Dealer Arrested On Arson Charges For Second Time In Two Months

Retired Texas Car Dealer Arrested On Arson Charges For Second Time In Two Months

Screenshot: KVUE Typically, you would think that once someone retires, their hobbies would include things like working on their project car, gardening or perhaps traveling the country in their RV. Apparently, though, one retired Austin, Texas car dealer decided none of those things were interesting enough and decided to take up arson instead. According to … Read more

The O.J. Simpson case forced domestic violence into the spotlight, boosting a movement

The O.J. Simpson case forced domestic violence into the spotlight, boosting a movement

PHILADELPHIA — Thirty years ago, as women’s rights advocates worked to pass the 1994 Violence Against Women Act, domestic violence was still something of a hushed topic. Then Nicole Brown Simpson’s death forced it into the spotlight. Americans riveted by the murder investigation of superstar ex-husband O.J. Simpson, who died Wednesday at 76, heard startling … Read more

Book Review: Jen Silverman’s gripping second novel explores the long afterlife of political violence

Book Review: Jen Silverman’s gripping second novel explores the long afterlife of political violence

Earlier this year a former member of the far-left Baader-Meinhof gang who spent decades in hiding was arrested by German police in connection with a string of crimes. It was just another example of the long afterlife of the anti-war movement of the late 1960s, which Jen Silverman explores in a brilliant, beautifully written new … Read more

Film sex and nude scenes now more likely to receive 15 certificate after concern | Films | Entertainment

Film sex and nude scenes now more likely to receive 15 certificate after concern | Films | Entertainment

Understandably parents want to know how much sex and nudity is in a movie before showing it to their children. Previously some scenes were deemed acceptable for 12 or 12A rating movies, but now they’re more likely to be rated 15 under updated guidelines. This comes after the BBFC surveyed 12000 people to discover changing … Read more

Movie Review: A remake of ‘Road House’ with Jake Gyllenhaal turns into a muscular, Florida romp

Movie Review: A remake of ‘Road House’ with Jake Gyllenhaal turns into a muscular, Florida romp

Elwood P. Dalton is a classy sort of bouncer. While five tough guys circle him outside a bar looking to bash his skull in, he has a question for them: “Before we start, do you have insurance?” And after savagely beating each up, he kindly drives them to the hospital. Dalton — played by a … Read more

Hunger soars and aid dwindles as gangs in Haiti suffocate the country

Hunger soars and aid dwindles as gangs in Haiti suffocate the country

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti — A crowd of about 100 people tried to shove through a metal gate in Haiti’s capital as a guard with a baton pushed them back, threatening to hit them. Undeterred, children and adults alike, some of them carrying babies, kept elbowing each other trying to enter. “Let us in! We’re hungry!” they … Read more

Maine mass shooter had a brain injury. Experts say that doesn’t explain his violence.

Maine mass shooter had a brain injury. Experts say that doesn’t explain his violence.

BOSTON — Brain injury experts are cautioning against drawing conclusions from newly released and limited information about evidence of a brain injury in an Army reservist who killed 18 people last year in Maine’s deadliest mass shooting. Boston University researchers who analyzed a sample of Robert Card’s brain tissue said Wednesday they found evidence of … Read more