Wisconsin Supreme Court to consider whether 175-year-old law bans abortion

MADISON, Wis. — The Wisconsin Supreme Court decided Tuesday to consider two challenges to a 175-year-old law that conservatives maintain bans abortion without letting the cases wind through lower courts. Abortion advocates stand an excellent chance of prevailing in both cases given the high court’s liberal tilt and remarks a liberal justice made on the … Read more

Trudeau calls New Brunswick’s Conservative government a ‘disgrace’ on women’s rights

By The Staff The Canadian Press Posted May 16, 2024 3:02 pm Updated May 16, 2024 3:04 pm 1 min read Descrease article font size Increase article font size Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has “issues” with the Progressive Conservative government of New Brunswick. Trudeau lashed out at New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs today, … Read more

Judge: Alabama groups can sue over threat of prosecution for helping with abortion travel

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — A federal judge on Monday said abortion rights advocates can proceed with lawsuits against Alabama’s attorney general over threats to prosecute people who help women travel to another state to terminate pregnancies. U.S. District Judge Myron Thompson denied Attorney General Steve Marshall’s request to dismiss the case. The groups said Marshall has … Read more

Ashley Judd speaks out on the right of women to control their bodies and be free from male violence

UNITED NATIONS — Actor Ashley Judd, whose allegations against movie mogul Harvey Weinstein helped spark the #MeToo movement, spoke out Monday on the rights of women and girls to control their own bodies and be free from male violence. A goodwill ambassador for the U.N. Population Fund, she addressed the U.N. General Assembly’s commemoration of … Read more

‘There’s Still Tomorrow’ director Paola Cortellesi talks success, toxic relationships and hope

LONDON — Actor Paola Cortellesi has long been a staple on the Italian pop culture scene, mostly known for her work as a comedian. Then she turned to directing and her first feature movie, “There’s Still Tomorrow,” took Italy by storm. The black-and-white film about an ordinary woman trapped in a toxic marriage in post-World … Read more

Hillary Clinton and Malala Yousafzai producing. An election coming. ‘Suffs’ has timing on its side

NEW YORK — Shaina Taub was in the audience at “Suffs,” her buzzy and timely new musical about women’s suffrage, when she spied something that delighted her. It was intermission, and Taub, both creator and star, had been watching her understudy perform at a matinee preview last week. Suddenly, she saw audience members searching the … Read more

The O.J. Simpson case forced domestic violence into the spotlight, boosting a movement

PHILADELPHIA — Thirty years ago, as women’s rights advocates worked to pass the 1994 Violence Against Women Act, domestic violence was still something of a hushed topic. Then Nicole Brown Simpson’s death forced it into the spotlight. Americans riveted by the murder investigation of superstar ex-husband O.J. Simpson, who died Wednesday at 76, heard startling … Read more

Iowa asks state Supreme Court to let its restrictive abortion law go into effect

DES MOINES, Iowa — Iowa asked the state Supreme Court on Thursday to let its blocked abortion law go into effect and uphold it altogether, disputing abortion providers’ claims it infringes on women’s rights to exercise bodily autonomy. The law, which bans most abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy and before many women know … Read more

Gambia could become the first country to reverse a ban on female genital cutting

ERREKUNDA, Gambia — Lawmakers in Gambia will vote Monday on legislation that seeks to repeal a ban on female genital cutting, which would make the West African nation the first country anywhere to make that reversal. The procedure, which also has been called female genital mutilation, includes the partial or full removal of external genitalia, … Read more

Japanese table tennis star reaches an agreement with ex as parliament considers a joint custody bill

TOKYO — A once-beloved Japanese table tennis star said Friday she has reached a settlement with her ex-husband, a Taiwanese star in the sport, ending a high-profile battle over custody of their 4-year-old son. The move comes at a time when Japan’s parliament is discussing legislation to introduce a dual custody system following similar high-profile … Read more