Law enforcement struggling to prosecute AI-generated child pornography, asks Congress to act

Law enforcement is struggling to prosecute abusive, sexually explicit images of minors created by artificial intelligence (AI), Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) told fellow members at a House Oversight subcommittee hearing Tuesday. Laws against child sexual abuse material (CSAM) require “an actual photo, a real photograph, of a child, to be prosecuted,” Carl Szabo, vice … Read more

Mercedes Wants You To Have Real, Natural Conversations With Its New In-Car AI Voice Assistant

Automotive journalists love to clown on in-car voice assistants, always talking about how useless and pointless they are, but not me. I’m already the kind of guy that says “thanks girl” after asking Siri a question, and I do love using a good voice assistant in a car (emphasis on the word “good.”) They can … Read more