One Person Is Behind Thousands Of Silicon Valley Bike Thefts And He’s Selling Them In Mexico

One Person Is Behind Thousands Of Silicon Valley Bike Thefts And He’s Selling Them In Mexico

Photo: Jordan Siemens (Getty Images) There’s an ongoing surge in bicycle theft that struck even before the pandemic arrived in 2020. The resulting uptick in cycling and retail bike sales that year served as an accelerant to thrust bike-related crimes to all-time highs. Wired sought the expertise of a bike hunter to learn what was … Read more

The Bike Of The Future, But Not Our Future

The Bike Of The Future, But Not Our Future

The world, in 2023, is cyberpunk. We’ve got the advertisements in the sky, the retro-inspired asymmetrical vehicles, and the rampant wealth stratification that keeps the rich folks rich and the poor folks desperate. But in cyberpunk media, people are always riding sweet futuristic motorcycles. Why are we stuck with the same bikes we’ve always had? … Read more