Here’s More Proof Tesla Faked Its Cybertruck Vs. Porsche 911 Drag Race

Here’s More Proof Tesla Faked Its Cybertruck Vs. Porsche 911 Drag Race

When Tesla showed the Cybertruck beating a Porsche 911 down a drag strip while towing another Porsche 911, everyone who knew anything about cars was a bit, well, skeptical. As more information came out and YouTubers did deep dives on whether or not the results shown by Tesla were actually possible, it turned out that … Read more

Cybertruck Engineer Begs Owners To Stop Abusing Their Trucks

Cybertruck Engineer Begs Owners To Stop Abusing Their Trucks

Gif: JerryRigEverything YouTube Elon Musk opened a can of worms when he originally showed the Cybertruck in late 2019. He passed the truck off as being incredibly tough, capable of handling anything, and “literally bulletproof.” Naturally, once owners began to get their hands on them in late 2023, they took Musk at his word. Since … Read more