EV Warning Sounds Should Be Music

EV Warning Sounds Should Be Music

On my walk to work the other day, something odd happened. While waiting for a light, I heard a strange wheezing noise coming from the street, like some odd bird cawing at me. I ignored it for a second, but eventually turned to see what it was: A back-up beeper, but not the traditional 1000 … Read more

Supersonic Passenger Travel Is Back Thanks To Super Strong Winds

Supersonic Passenger Travel Is Back Thanks To Super Strong Winds

In a magical time called the 20th century, there were supersonic passenger jets that could fly rich people from New York to London in less than three hours. These days, numerous startups are promising to replicate that feat, but it turns out that if you want to fly faster than the speed of sound you … Read more

MindEar app aids Tinnitus relief through cognitive training

MindEar app aids Tinnitus relief through cognitive training

A new app helps train people’s brains to “tune out” tinnitus. MindEar may reduce the debilitating impact within months. It uses cognitive behavioural and sound therapy, mindfulness and relaxation exercises. Experts from universities in Australia, Belgium, France and New Zealand, hope their app can provide relief to as many as one in four who suffer … Read more