8 Natural Bridal Hairstyles That Will Elevate Your Wedding Day Look

8 Natural Bridal Hairstyles That Will Elevate Your Wedding Day Look

Growing up, whenever I envisioned my wedding day, I always pictured myself with long, flowy hair—the opposite of my kinky 4C coils. Wearing my natural hair in mini twists for my recent engagement, however, completely changed my vision. Not only did I feel confident in my natural texture, but I also felt completely myself—a feeling, … Read more

Confessions of an AI Clickbait Kingpin

Confessions of an AI Clickbait Kingpin

“I’m not a fan of AI,” Nebojša Vujinović Vujo says. The admission surprises me: He has built a bustling business by snapping up abandoned news outlets and other websites and stuffing them full of algorithmically generated articles. Although he accepts that his model rankles writers and readers alike, he says he’s simply embracing an unstoppable … Read more