Kids’ Cartoons Get a Free Pass From YouTube’s Deepfake Disclosure Rules

Kids’ Cartoons Get a Free Pass From YouTube’s Deepfake Disclosure Rules

YouTube has updated its rulebook for the era of deepfakes. Starting today, anyone uploading video to the platform must disclose certain uses of synthetic media, including generative AI, so viewers know what they’re seeing isn’t real. YouTube says it applies to “realistic” altered media such as “making it appear as if a real building caught … Read more

Google Is Finally Trying to Kill AI Clickbait

Google Is Finally Trying to Kill AI Clickbait

Google is taking action against algorithmically generated spam. The search engine giant just announced upcoming changes, including a revamped spam policy, designed in part to keep AI clickbait out of its search results. “It sounds like it’s going to be one of the biggest updates in the history of Google,” says Lily Ray, senior director … Read more

Google Tweaked Search to Comply With EU Rules. Yelp Says It Makes Results Even More Unfair

Google Tweaked Search to Comply With EU Rules. Yelp Says It Makes Results Even More Unfair

The experiments found that about 73 percent of about 500 people using that new design clicked results that kept them inside Google’s ecosystem—an increase over the 55 percent who did so when the design Google is phasing out in Europe was tested with a smaller pool of roughly 250 people. Yelp also tested a variation … Read more

Google Prepares for a Future Where Search Isn’t King

Google Prepares for a Future Where Search Isn’t King

Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai still loves the web. He wakes up every morning and reads Techmeme, a news aggregator resplendent with links, accessible only via the web. The web is dynamic and resilient, he says, and can still—with help from a search engine—provide whatever information a person is looking for. Yet the web and its … Read more

Confessions of an AI Clickbait Kingpin

Confessions of an AI Clickbait Kingpin

“I’m not a fan of AI,” Nebojša Vujinović Vujo says. The admission surprises me: He has built a bustling business by snapping up abandoned news outlets and other websites and stuffing them full of algorithmically generated articles. Although he accepts that his model rankles writers and readers alike, he says he’s simply embracing an unstoppable … Read more

Cryptographers Are Getting Closer to Enabling Fully Private Internet Searches

Cryptographers Are Getting Closer to Enabling Fully Private Internet Searches

The original version of this story appeared in Quanta Magazine. We all know to be careful about the details we share online, but the information we seek can also be revealing. Search for driving directions, and our location becomes far easier to guess. Check for a password in a trove of compromised data, and we … Read more