Norovirus mistake which can actually make you more contagious

It’s the bug sweeping the UK after a 75 percent surge in cases but many thousands of people are unknowingly committing a norovirus mistake that actually spreads it more widely. Norovirus can cause vomiting and diarrhoea in its unfortunate victims and puts people out of action for days battling to stay hydrated. For children and … Read more

Bug sweeping UK as Government issues ‘don’t go to work’ warning

People are being urged not to go to work or school due to a virus sweeping the UK. The UK Health Security Agency has issued an urgent warning over cases of norovirus, which have seen a sharp increase in the past few weeks. The UKHSA said norovirus reports are “still high for this time of … Read more

70 Vomiting Passengers Turn Frankfurt Flight Into Living Hell

Photo: AaronP/Bauer-Griffin / Contributor (Getty Images) When you get on a plane, there are plenty of things that you can reasonably expect may go wrong. The person in front of you might recline their seat and drape their long hair over the screen. A baby might cry. Your seatmate might be one of those sick … Read more

As flu season fades, spring and summer viruses emerge. What are they? – National

As Canadians bid farewell to the aches and chills of the season of respiratory viruses, like influenza, a new question looms: what other microbial menaces will appear as days grow warmer? As the transition from winter to spring unfolds and people begin to gather outdoors, it’s crucial to remain vigilant against a range of viruses … Read more