Half Of The Drivers In Formula 1 Have Proven They Don’t Deserve To Be There

Half Of The Drivers In Formula 1 Have Proven They Don’t Deserve To Be There

Image: Red Bull Racing There is a serious lack of skill on the current Formula 1 grid, and it’s getting to be downright appalling that there’s nowhere for the talented young kids working their way up the so-called open wheel ladder to go. So many of the graduates of the junior series are being shuffled … Read more

The Red Flags Podcast On Becoming The Voice For American Formula 1 Fans

The Red Flags Podcast On Becoming The Voice For American Formula 1 Fans

When Brian Muller and Matt Elisofon first picked up their microphones to record the debut episode of Red Flags, they were trying to fill a niche they’d recognized in the Formula 1 world: “I was like, where is the podcast with the Bill Simmons of F1? There wasn’t just some guy out there who’s just … Read more