Lots Of English Words You Use Everyday Come From Sailors, And Not Just The Dirty Ones

Lots Of English Words You Use Everyday Come From Sailors, And Not Just The Dirty Ones

Screenshot: PBS Modern day Anglophones are descended from generations of seafaring explorers, traders, naval military conquerors, and imperialism. The core of the anglosphere is found in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, all former colonies of the British Empire, and all heavily water-based geographies. What I’m saying is, we used … Read more

Tips on traveling to Paris during the Summer Olympics

Tips on traveling to Paris during the Summer Olympics

During the six years that I was lucky enough to live in the center of Paris, I learned a lot about the ups and downs that come with being a Parisienne. I would move back in a heartbeat. But I also feel for international visitors who arrive with a romantic vision of beautiful perfection, only … Read more