Find Cheap Hydration At An Airport Near You

Find Cheap Hydration At An Airport Near You

Photo: Jupiterimages (Getty Images) Airports are an expensive place to hang out — I’ve spent enough time in them to know. After you pay for your ticket, though, the most expensive things are the ones that shouldn’t cost much at all: Burgers, drinks, and little bags of Chex Mix. I Need A Car That Can … Read more

How Alcohol Affects Your Health As You Age

How Alcohol Affects Your Health As You Age

“Drink in moderation” is advice we hear often, but as most people can attest to after a booze-filled holiday season, it isn’t easy to stick to. When we can stick to moderate drinking, however, we usually feel pretty good about ourselves. According to the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, moderate drinking is defined as no … Read more