I’m Selling My Cruze For Something That Won’t Make Me Snooze! What Car Should I Buy?

I’m Selling My Cruze For Something That Won’t Make Me Snooze! What Car Should I Buy?

Jordan finally got the go-ahead to upgrade his 2014 Chevy Cruze to something with a bit more performance that he can enjoy the occasional track day with. This ride does need a usable rear seat, but other parameters are generally wide open. What car should he buy? My First Automotive Love: Bob and the C4 … Read more

Watch A Fire Truck Spin Out And Slide On Icy Road In Missouri

Watch A Fire Truck Spin Out And Slide On Icy Road In Missouri

A firefighter driving a fire truck in an Imperial, Missouri, neighborhood lost control of the vehicle due to icy roads while responding to a 911 call for a car crash that had occurred earlier that morning. The fire truck went careening down a hill, spinning a full 360 degrees and smashing into the same vehicle … Read more