Tips for Preparing for A Hurricane

Prepare for the worst, and hope for the best. That’s the mantra of many emergency planners when it comes to hurricanes. It’s important to remember that you can’t predict exactly where a storm will make landfall and how strong it will be. 

But when it does, you can take steps to protect yourself and your family before, during, and after a hurricane hits. 

Here are some tips from Florin Roebig experts on how to prepare for a hurricane:

Have an Evacuation Plan

If your area is under a tropical storm or hurricane warning, find out how you will get notifications of the impending threat and how you will be evacuated if necessary. Plan with your family, so you know what to do if an evacuation order is issued in your area.

Stock up on Supplies

Make sure you have enough other essentials stocked up on hand before a hurricane hits. You may not get supplies after the storm has passed, so it’s essential to have enough items at home before one hits. Contact your local government agency to find out if they offer any pre-assembled “go kits” that include supplies like water bottles or canned goods in case of emergencies like hurricanes.

Keep an Emergency Kit in Your Home

Include the following in the emergency kit:

  • Water for drinking and hygiene for a minimum of five to seven days
  • Food: non-perishable food to last you at least three days
  • Flashlight and extra batteries, a hand-crank or battery-operated radio
  • Whistle to signal for assistance

In an evacuation, keep these items in a convenient location. Ensure that everyone in your family knows where the emergency supply is and how to use it.

Get Cash Out Early

If you’re worried about losing power during a storm, get cash out early as possible so you can use it before ATMs run out of money or stop working altogether (which may happen).

If you don’t have enough cash on hand, consider using online money transfer services like PayPal so that you have access to funds even if traditional banking systems go dark during an emergency.

Prepare Your Home Before the Storm Hits

To prepare your home for a hurricane, first know the risks for your area. Next, list items you’ll need to keep your house safe during and after a storm. Here are some things you can do to prepare your home:

  • Make sure all windows are shuttered or boarded up. If you have aluminum window frames, ensure they are tightly secured with screws or nails—tape over any gaps around windows with plastic sheeting or duct tape.
  • Ensure all outside doors fit tightly against their frames and have deadbolts or security bars that intruders or vandals not easily remove can when you are away from home.
  • Remove any loose items that might fly off during strong winds (such as lawn furniture, trash cans, etc.)
  • Move valuable items to higher ground in cases of flooding, such as electronics and antiques.

Be Prepared for the Worst

If you live in an area prone to hurricanes, you must prepare yourself and your family for the worst. It’s especially true if you’re unsure how long the storm will last. Make sure you follow the recommendation above as you make your preparations, regardless of the type of hurricane that threatens your area.

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