How to know when you need a career change and how to start your nusring career

If you’ve been thinking about making a career change, now may be the perfect time to do so. This decision can even lead to a long, successful future in a new field. For example, there are many benefits to having a career in the healthcare field as a registered nurse. And yes, it’s possible to make this shift mid-career!

There are many nursing programs designed to work around the schedule of working profesisonals. You could pursue a hybrid ABSN program, like the one offered at the University of Indianapolis. This is a great option because the coursework is completed 100% online, while in-person clinical work placements allow you to gain practical experience. Now that you know a career change to nursing is possible, how do you know it’s the right time?

How to know when you need a career change

If you’ve been working at the same organization for a long time in the same role, your employer may not recognize how else to use your skills. For example, maybe you haven’t acquired seniority, or perhaps you simply feel stuck. If your skills aren’t being well used, you may want to start looking for a new career. It’s not enough to be the best employee. You also need to make your employer realize your value, and nursing provides just that – every day.

·       Your job is making you unhappy or depressed

We’ve all heard the phrase “happy employees are more productive,” and it’s true. A job that makes you happy is essential to a healthy, balanced life. Unfortunately, not everyone has a job they love, but many people go into nursing because it is a high-need job that’s also very rewarding. Nursing has excellent employment opportunities and many different types of specialties. So, consider nursing if you want to change careers into a diverse field.

·       You’re at a point where you continually struggle to keep up

You may want to consider a career change if you constantly struggle to keep up with your work. If you’re always behind, it could mean your job doesn’t fit your skill set. For instance, you may feel like you’re given responsibilities that don’t suit your strong suits – you could simply be in the wrong role. You may also feel like you’re not using your skills as you should. Whatever the reason, it may signal it’s time for a career change.

·       The organization or industry continues to evolve, but your role does not

Many industries and companies have their strategies and goals, which continually evolve. Sure, your role within a company may be vital and valuable. But the organization or industry may be moving in a different direction. Many people decide to become nurses because it’s a growing industry. When you become a nurse, you join a team with the same goal: caring for patients. And when you become a nurse, you do what you do best daily – help people.

A career change is worth it

There are many benefits to having a career in the healthcare field as a registered nurse. If you feel your current job isn’t going where you want, now could be the right time to make a change. Moreover, nursing is one of the best career paths to make that change. If you’re ready to transition into a nursing career, it’s time to start drawing up your plans. It’ll be worth it.

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