Let Some Rowdy 8,000 RPM Lancia Rally Cars Melt Your Work Week Pains Away

It’s nearly time to turn off your work computer, and your overworked brain, for a few dozen delightful hours of you-time known colloquially as the weekend. In anticipation of ending your capitalistic toils to enjoy an ever fleeting sense of leisure, click the play button and slather the folds of your brain in a thick … Read more

61-Year-Old Carlos Sainz Continues To Dominate Desert Racing’s Toughest Event

The 61-year-old Spaniard rally champion — Carlos Sainz, Sr. — has won his fourth (and Audi’s first) Dakar in his 17th year competing in the legendary event. This year he won the race in a unique way, without taking a single stage victory, and running a consistently quick and relatively trouble-free event. Sainz and co-driver … Read more