TWR XJS Falls Victim To The Same Uncanny Valley Look That Curses So Many Restomods

Tom Walkinshaw Racing is back, and to celebrate, TWR has, of course, revealed a restomodded, racing-inspired Jaguar XJS coupe that it calls the Supercat. Considering Walkinshaw’s history of racing Jaguars, is that really a surprise? That said, the TWR team didn’t just throw some wide fenders and a body kit on a hot-rodded XJS, though. … Read more

A 90s Racing Series That Destroyed Jaguar XJ220s

Imagine a racing series that pitted your favorite retired drivers against one another on a tiny circuit behind the wheel of expensive, identically-prepared $1.3 million Jaguar XJ220 supercars. Imagine that you could tune in for a few weeks in the summer to watch those icons of sport beat, bang and destroy millions of dollars in … Read more