Looking for a job in 2024? These steps can help you get hired faster

Looking for a job in 2024? These steps can help you get hired faster

Xavier Lorenzo | Moment | Getty Images If you’re looking for a new job, get ready for more competition in the new year. “We see many more job seekers come and use our site in mid- to late-January,” said Scott Dobroski, career trends expert at Indeed. “It aligns to that new year, new you mentality,” … Read more

Does the tax on your year-end bonus check seem high? Here’s why

Does the tax on your year-end bonus check seem high? Here’s why

Jgi/tom Grill | Tetra Images | Getty Images Does your year-end bonus look smaller than expected? Tax withholding is a likely culprit, but Uncle Sam may pay some back when you file an annual tax return, experts said. Bonuses are treated as taxable income, like wages in a typical paycheck. However, unlike wages, the IRS … Read more

The U.S. avoided a recession in 2023. What’s the outlook for 2024?

The U.S. avoided a recession in 2023. What’s the outlook for 2024?

Grocery items are offered for sale at a supermarket on August 09, 2023 in Chicago, Illinois.  Scott Olson | Getty Images Heading into 2023, the predictions were nearly unanimous: a recession was coming. As the year comes to a close, the forecasted economic downturn did not arrive. So what’s in store for 2024? An economic … Read more

Why you still need a long-term retirement savings approach in your 40s

Why you still need a long-term retirement savings approach in your 40s

Clemens Porikys | Getty Images Entertainment | Getty Images If you’re in your 40s, you probably have seen articles on how much you should have saved by now to comfortably retire. One guideline from Fidelity Investments calls for having three times your starting salary saved by 40, with the aim of growing that to six … Read more

Last-minute holiday shoppers face fraud risks. These 5 tips can help

Last-minute holiday shoppers face fraud risks. These 5 tips can help

Betsie Van der Meer | Getty If you’re a last-minute holiday shopper still checking off the remaining gifts on your list, beware: You could be putting yourself at risk for fraud. “Procrastination is, quite frankly, one of the keys to success for crooks,” Paul Fabara, chief risk officer at Visa, recently told CNBC. “They assume that … Read more

If you’ve been laid off, experts say 8 steps can help you regroup

If you’ve been laid off, experts say 8 steps can help you regroup

Srdjanpav | E+ | Getty Images When it comes to the holidays, there’s one thing most workers don’t want to receive: a pink slip. But that’s exactly what some employees are getting this year. Citigroup is in the midst of layoffs as part of a corporate overhaul. Other companies to recently shed workers include e-commerce … Read more