Eye health crucial for independence say those over 60

Eye health crucial for independence say those over 60

A poll of 900 adults aged 60 and over found 73% couldn’t do everything they wanted to when growing up because of financial constraints. And 59% didn’t have time because of work commitments, while 37% lacked confidence. Now, almost half of respondents (45%) never want to feel monotonous and stuck in a routine. As a … Read more

Older people ‘fobbed off’ in struggle to access NHS and social care

Older people ‘fobbed off’ in struggle to access NHS and social care

The party that triumphs in next month’s election must finally end the crisis in access to NHS and so (Image: Getty) The party that triumphs in next month’s election must finally end the crisis in access to NHS and social care services for older people, Age UK declares today. The charity’s latest damning report lays … Read more

Common supplement increases heart disease risk, say doctors

Common supplement increases heart disease risk, say doctors

A common supplement taken by millions of pensioners could increase the risk of heart disease and strokes for many people, a major new study has found.   Fish oil has long been believed to have many health benefits and it has been shown to help relieve debilitating symptoms of arthritis. However, a study published in the … Read more