Diesel Shop Sold Over 250,000 Emissions-Cheating Devices In Just 5 Years

Diesel Shop Sold Over 250,000 Emissions-Cheating Devices In Just 5 Years

You’d think after the huge scandal that was VW’s Dieselgate that the automotive industry as a whole would have learned something. A multi-billion dollar corporation getting hit with billions in fines wasn’t scary enough it seems, as diesel emission cheating keeps happening, albeit at a smaller scale. The latest bust is out of North Carolina. … Read more

BMW May Be Having A Dieselgate Moment In Germany

BMW May Be Having A Dieselgate Moment In Germany

Things may be about to get really bad for BMW. Germany’s motor transport authority, KBA, has started proceedings against BMW over suspicions the automaker manipulated emissions results in its X3 2.0-liter diesel models, according to Reuters. It’s a similar situation to Volkswagen’s Dieselgate scandal that rocked the automotive industry nearly 10 years ago. BMW 3T … Read more