Labour’s £28bn green policy U-turn – podcast | News

Labour’s £28bn green policy U-turn – podcast | News

In late 2021, Labour party members were still licking their wounds after a byelection defeat in Hartlepool, and Keir Starmer was at something of a crossroads in his leadership. He needed something big and bold that would excite his party and get the attention of voters. He was under pressure to match the ambition of … Read more

‘Scathing’ report says Ausstralians being ripped off by banks, supermarkets, energy providers and airlines

‘Scathing’ report says Ausstralians being ripped off by banks, supermarkets, energy providers and airlines

Economic experts have slammed companies accused of price gouging in a scathing new report accusing supermarkets, energy providers and even airlines of driving up costs for bigger profits. University of Melbourne’s economics professor Allan Fels has delivered an 80-page report to the National Press Club of Australia recommending an investigation into “exploitative business pricing”. WATCH … Read more

ACOSS calls for ‘urgent’ hike to JobSeeker and related payments amid cost-of-living crisis

ACOSS calls for ‘urgent’ hike to JobSeeker and related payments amid cost-of-living crisis

The peak Australian community services body says JobSeeker and related government payments must be “urgently raised and without further delay” following the announcement that an additional $115 million in funding will be committed to cost-of-living support services over the next five years. Beneficiaries of the funding include emergency relief organisations, financial counselling and other hardship … Read more

The Australian workers who will benefit from Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s tax cut changes

The Australian workers who will benefit from Prime Minister Anthony Albanese’s tax cut changes

Anthony Albanese insists a broken election promise on tax cuts is the right thing to do in changed economic circumstances, promising middle-income earners an extra $800 a year. The prime minister will use a National Press Club address to outline his case for overhauling stage three tax cuts due to take effect in July. In … Read more

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese commits to stage three tax cuts despite cost-of-living concerns

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese commits to stage three tax cuts despite cost-of-living concerns

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has committed to stage three tax cuts, despite growing calls for the measures to be scrapped for other cost-of-living relief measures. The tax cuts were unveiled by the former coalition government in the 2019 federal budget, and are due to come into effect on July 1. WATCH THE VIDEO ABOVE: Albanese … Read more

Forget Growth. Optimize for Resilience

Forget Growth. Optimize for Resilience

Fleming believed that growth has natural limits. Things grow to maturity—kids into adults, saplings into trees, startups into full-fledged companies—but growth beyond that point is, in his words, a “pathology” and an “affliction.” The bigger and more productive an economy gets, he argued, the more resources it needs to burn to maintain its own infrastructure. … Read more

Your Money Is Funding Fossil Fuels Without You Knowing It

Your Money Is Funding Fossil Fuels Without You Knowing It

When you drop money in the bank, it looks like it’s just sitting there, ready for you to withdraw. In reality, your institution makes money on your money by lending it elsewhere, including to the fossil fuel companies driving climate change, as well as emissions-heavy industries like manufacturing. So just by leaving money in a … Read more