In This California Town, Homes Have Hangars And Cars Share Roads With Planes

In This California Town, Homes Have Hangars And Cars Share Roads With Planes

Have you ever been looking for a home and encountered an infuriating shortage of properties with attached airplane hangars, or frustrating HOAs that prohibit you from taxiing your plane on public roads? Then gird your loins, because the picturesque town of Cameron Park, California, is the ideal Sacramento suburb for you. Bring your Corvette, your … Read more

Woman Throws Monitors At Airline Staff Over Missed Flight

Woman Throws Monitors At Airline Staff Over Missed Flight

Unruly passengers make the frustrating experience of flying even more stressful, but these customers don’t suddenly become rowdy when they step on the plane. A 31-year-old woman became irate at O’Hare International Airport in Chicago after reportedly missing a flight on July 30. Local police noted that the woman fled the scene and is still … Read more