We asked readers what cars are the most unrecognizable from previous models and generations earlier this week. It’s amazing what a few decades will do to a person and/or car — for better or worse. Some models go from being beloved SUVs to blobby crossovers, while others go from being coupes or sedans to, well, blobby crossover and SUVs.
Still, others, like the Toyota Prius, go from being ugly ducklings to something graceful and less crossover-y. And others, such as the Ford Maverick, jumped entire segments altogether to become something unrecognizable — but cool, in the case of the ’Mav.
So many of the cars in this list could practically sing us the lines from Linkin Park’s “In the End:” Things aren’t the way they/were before/You wouldn’t even/ recognize me anymore. And even if we did know them back when they were vastly different models, it doesn’t make their transformations any less shocking. Here are the cars that readers say are the most unrecognizable from previous generations: