When an automaker introduces a new SUV that’s as close of a competitor for the Jeep Wrangler as the Ford Bronco is, it’s only a matter of time before Jeep mods start showing up on Broncos. That’s definitely the case with the 2022 Ford Bronco that’s currently for sale on Cars & Bids. It’s been turned into a 6×6 by a company called Apocalypse Manufacturing and, somewhat inexplicably, covered in Kevlar. Also, it looks like total ass.
While it’s not surprising that I would say that, it seems many of the Cars & Bids commenters are similarly confused why you would buy this thing. In addition to generally poking fun at the whole “spray the whole truck with bedliner” look and its general impracticality, a few comments were pretty blunt:
This is an extremely impressive build that looks like it could have come this way from the factory, so kudos on that. But I look at the rush of builds like this coming out and can only assume that it makes the vehicle tangibly worse against basically any metric imaginable.
Are these builds purely aesthetic, or is there some form of tangible functional benefit?

Another added:
(this is no hate)
I understand it is very cool and all, but…what do you do with it? Like there’s no purpose except to have it in an exhibition.
They were probably kinder than I would have been, and yet they make a very good point. It’s bigger than a regular Bronco, sure, but there’s no way it isn’t worse in every way. It looks like ass. There’s no way whoever buys this is ever taking it off-road unless parking on the sidewalk counts. You buy it to own the libs and run over children, and that’s about it.
If you thought to yourself, “Surely, the interior is better, though, right?” I am sorry to disappoint you yet again. The kind of person who designs something that’s this ugly on the outside knows their customers expect the interior to also show off their terrible taste, and on that point, they definitely delivered. I’m sure the leather is very expensive and all that, but the seats look like something you’d find on Wish dot com.

Bidding is already up to $55,000 at the time of writing, so clearly, someone wants this truck. It remains to be seen exactly how much they’ll have to make sure everyone knows they post a ton of racist, misogynist Kamala Harris memes, though, as there are still six days left on the auction, and the seller set a reserve. Fingers crossed that bidding never reaches the reserve, and they’re stuck with it a while longer.