What’s In Your Milk Formula? Baby Formula Ingredients You Should Know! 

Moms who breastfeed feel calm because such milk is everything their baby needs during the first six months of life. When nurses feed newborns with baby formula, non-breastfeeding mothers often panic because they know nothing about the ingredients in baby formula. Not all parents can breastfeed due to different life circumstances, so experts recommend getting acquainted with available baby formulas and their pros and cons. 

Baby Formula Ingredients to Be Aware of 

It is better to buy baby formula depending on the recommendations of your pediatrician or a consultation with a lactation expert. Your baby is unique and can tolerate all formulas or only one because everything depends on its digestion peculiarities and genetics. If a parent has an allergy to cottage cheese or cow’s milk, the baby might have it as well. So, what ingredients to search for and avoid when creating a newborn feeding schedule?

1. Milk

The main component of all formulas is powdered milk, but its source can differ. The vegan formula has plant-based milk, such as hemp, coconut, pea, oat, and almond. The animal formula can have goat’s or cow’s milk. Goat’s milk is promised to be more gentle for a baby’s stomach, and European companies create hypoallergenic, anti-reflux, and anti-bloating formulas using this milk type. 

2. Whey and Casein

They are milk-derived proteins that are significant for muscle growth and the immune system. 

3. Vegetable and Fish Oils

Oils are the sources of fats and Omega complexes. Omega 3-6-9 improves cardiovascular system functionality, while healthy fats take care of a baby’s skin and hair and help it absorb essential vitamins like D, A, and E.

4. Minerals and Vitamins

A growing organism needs vitamins and minerals as supplements if their baby formula doesn’t include them. Fortunately, most companies add the required amount of micronutrients, including vitamins A, K, D, Zinc, Magnesium, Ca, Ascorbic acid, Potassium, and others.

5. Other Elements That Organic Formula Usually Lacks

Starch and maltodextrin are the only two components that organic formulae can have, though they are both organic. Manufacturers add them to get the required consistency to prevent regurgitation. 

Non-organic baby food can contain harmful ingredients that organic formula never has. Among them, you can find:

  • flavors
  • taste enhancers
  • sugar or other sweeteners
  • unnatural thickeners and stabilizers
  • hormones
  • GMOs
  • coloring

It is vitally important to read the list of ingredients in baby formula to ensure that it does not contain harmful components.

Carbs. Fats. Proteins

Another thing to regard is the source of the mentioned macronutrients. The primary source of carbs should be lactose but not sugar, sucrose, honey, or artificial sweeteners. The main source of fats should be organic vegetable and plant oils, and proteins, naturally, must be whey and casein. The baby formula must resemble breast milk unless a baby is intolerant to lactose or natural milk proteins. 

Baby food companies mention the required amount of baby food with all the necessary macro and micro nutrients. Follow instructions not to overfeed a baby and keep to the proper newborn feeding schedule that guarantees the required nutrition.


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