Blimps are so fascinating to me. Like, what do you mean that giant bag of helium is just floating up there? Wild. Anyway, the pilots and other passengers onboard the Goodyear Blimp have got to spend a lot of time up there when they’re floating over sporting events and doing other official Blimp business. It got me thinking: where the hell do these people shit when they’re up in their blimp amongst the heavens?
Luckily for us – and especially me – we now have our answer thanks to TikToker Alex Dainis. She was spending some time aboard the Goodyear Blimp and she gave us a tour of the commode, also known as the “The Loo With A View.” It’s so charming. Located inside the “gondolla” – which is what the passenger compartment is referred to – is a throne fit for a sky king.
Entrance to the bathroom is a blue door with a no-smoking sign, the Goodyear logo, a no-luggage sign and a sticker from a repair station that reads “No One Gets Hurt” with a picture of the blimp. I’ll promise to be careful.
Open her up, and you’ll find a sparse yet practical bathroom. It isn’t entirely dissimilar to an airplane bathroom – not that that is totally surprising. The metal toilet either has some really nasty stain or rust spot on it, but I won’t judge. You also get a grab handle and a very large mirror. Unfortunately, there doesn’t seem to be a sink, but there are some Clorox wipes and toilet paper, so that’s something. The real kicker in there is the window– hence “the loo with a view” name. Imagine dropping a big ol’ poppy while floating over the College Football championship game. Chills.
All of this is to say the Goodyear Blimp’s commode is nicer than my own. Sure, I’ve got a nicer toilet and a shower, but I don’t have the view you get on this bad boy.
So, if you’re like me and you’ve always wondered how the people in the Goodyear Blimp do what they have to do, now you know. We here at Jalopnik take toilets very seriously, as you can tell.