Inside The Cold War Plan To Use Postal Trucks To Pick Up Nuclear Attack Victims

Inside The Cold War Plan To Use Postal Trucks To Pick Up Nuclear Attack Victims

Nothing stops the United States Postal Service, not even nuclear fallout. Following the first successful nuclear weapons test conducted by the Soviet Union in August of 1949, the U.S. government was forced to prepare for the worst. It was an all-hands-on-deck situation involving every federal department and agency, and the post office was more involved … Read more

Post Office Mechanic Shows Just How Much Work Goes Into Getting The Mail To Your Door

Post Office Mechanic Shows Just How Much Work Goes Into Getting The Mail To Your Door

Photo: Dünzl/ullstein bild (Getty Images) Few vehicles in the world have worked harder than U.S. Post Office Grumman LLVs have since they first hit the road in the mid-1980s. Well, after about 38 years, most of them are in pretty bad shape. Because of that, the Post Office needs a team of mechanics working on … Read more