Amazon’s ‘lightweight’ raincoat hailed as ‘essential’ for UK weather

Amazon’s ‘lightweight’ raincoat hailed as ‘essential’ for UK weather

Brits who have experienced a summer in the UK know all too well that sunshine is a rare commodity, and many a day out has been marred by unexpected downpours. The frequent spells of rain mean we must always be ready for a deluge and Amazon might just have the ideal fix that “combines fashion … Read more

How to sleep better in the UK heatwave as temperatures exceed 30C

How to sleep better in the UK heatwave as temperatures exceed 30C

Britain is in the grip of a heatwave today, with temperatures soaring high enough to fry an egg on a car bonnet (Friday, July 19). If temperatures rocket above 30C, it may even be the hottest day of the year and perhaps the perfect occasion for picnics, barbeques and even a dash of gardening. But … Read more

Brits warned they’ve been using sunscreen wrong

Brits warned they’ve been using sunscreen wrong

As the mercury rises and the sun graces us with its presence more frequently, Brits are being urged to apply sunscreen correctly. This follows a yellow heat health alert issued by the UK Health Security Agency earlier this week, raising concerns for the safety of the elderly and other vulnerable groups during a period of … Read more