How fracking helped the U.S. break the all-time oil production record

How fracking helped the U.S. break the all-time oil production record

The U.S. produced more oil in 2023 than has ever been produced in any year by any country, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.  Big Oil has become more productive as horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, which is also known as fracking, have seen technological breakthroughs.  U.S. oil production hit a low of 5 … Read more

Trump Convention To Count On Americans’ Amnesia

Trump Convention To Count On Americans’ Amnesia

WASHINGTON ― Donald Trump left the White House with violent crime spiking, thousands of Americans dying each day from a disease he claimed was no worse than the common cold and having attempted a coup to remain in office despite having lost reelection. The former and would-be future president and the Republican National Committee on … Read more

Top Democrat rips Mnuchin over effort to buy TikTok

Top Democrat rips Mnuchin over effort to buy TikTok

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), chair of the Senate Finance Committee, is criticizing former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin over his effort to buy the social media platform TikTok.  “I don’t see how America will be any more secure if the next owner of TikTok is a MAGA Trump crony backed by Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund,” … Read more