This Is Why Your Car Fridge Probably Sucks

This Is Why Your Car Fridge Probably Sucks

For decades, if you wanted cold drinks on a road trip, your only option was to pack a cooler with a bunch of ice. It worked back then, and it still works today, but coolers are heavy and bulky, so it was pretty awesome when some automakers started adding built-in refrigerators in their cars. At … Read more

How Much Energy Would It Take to Pull Carbon Dioxide out of the Air?

How Much Energy Would It Take to Pull Carbon Dioxide out of the Air?

Climate change. It’s bad, and it’s getting worse. The main cause is burning fossil fuels, which spews CO2 into the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide, as we all know too well by now, is a greenhouse gas, meaning it absorbs heat radiation from the Earth, preventing it from escaping out into space. A certain amount of this … Read more