Americans Too Old To Be Driving Risk It Anyway Because Living Without A Car Is Miserable And Dangerous

Americans Too Old To Be Driving Risk It Anyway Because Living Without A Car Is Miserable And Dangerous

In our latest What Car Should You Buy entry, a reader wanted advice on what car his father-in-law should get to replace his current BMW X5. The problem was less the car itself and more that it was too big for him to drive safely anymore, so they were looking for something smaller. We all … Read more

The reality of loneliness among Canada’s elderly. Why is it getting worse? – National

The reality of loneliness among Canada’s elderly. Why is it getting worse? – National

As Canada grapples with a rapidly aging demographic, experts are sounding the alarm on the increasing mental and physical health impacts of loneliness and social isolation, particularly among older people who make up a growing proportion of the population. A report by the National Institute of Ageing (NIA) released Tuesday found that around 41 per … Read more