Massive Overland Train Left To Rot In Alaska Protected America From Russki Attack During The Cold War

Massive Overland Train Left To Rot In Alaska Protected America From Russki Attack During The Cold War

Around these parts, there’s nothing we love more than the history of Arctic/Antarctic exploration, the Cold War and big ass vehicles that made both possible. So when my favorite YouTuber Calum actually found another overland train still in existence, this one used to resupply nuclear missile detection sites hidden deep in the underbrush of a … Read more

This Kamov Sever-2 Is The Gorgeous Soviet Mail-Delivering Snowmobile You Never Knew About

This Kamov Sever-2 Is The Gorgeous Soviet Mail-Delivering Snowmobile You Never Knew About

Picture this: You’re a mail carrier in the USSR, 40 years after the fall of the Tsar. You’ve got places to go, letters to deliver, but the infrastructure around you isn’t exactly replete with bullet trains and six-lane highways. How are you going to cross the hectares separating you from your mail route? Jon Cryer’s … Read more