Republican Study Committee Budget Includes Social Security Benefit Cuts

WASHINGTON – A symbolic Republican budget proposal introduced this week includes cuts to future Social Security retirement benefits, despite former President Donald Trump’s pledge to leave the program untouched. The Republican Study Committee, a group encompassing a majority of GOP House members, put out a budget outline on Wednesday calling for spending reductions in Social … Read more

White House Tells House Speaker Mike Johnson ‘Impeachment Is Over’

WASHINGTON — The White House declared Friday that the impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden is finished. White House counsel Edward Siskel delivered the news in a letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.). “I write to you today because it is clear the House Republican impeachment is over,” Siskel wrote. The impeachment inquiry never … Read more

Hunter Biden Blows Off Republicans’ Request For A Public Hearing

WASHINGTON ― Hunter Biden won’t sit as a witness in a hearing related to the Republican-led impeachment inquiry into his father, his lawyer said Wednesday. Republicans had asked President Joe Biden’s son to join a public hearing later this month alongside his former business associates, including one who claimed that the younger Biden ripped him … Read more

Is Destroying An Embryo Murder? House Speaker Mike Johnson Won’t Say.

WASHINGTON — Is a frozen embryo a child? And is destroying it murder? On Thursday, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) wouldn’t say. “Look, I believe in the sanctity of every human life ― I always have ― and because of that I support IVF,” he said in his weekly press conference when asked about the … Read more

‘SNL’ Roasts Republican Senators As Trump Toadies In Cold Open

“Saturday Night Live” writers imagined what some Republicans are saying behind Donald Trump’s back in a crisp cold open this weekend. Set at a Washington, D.C., party celebrating Trump’s South Carolina primary win, the sketch starts with GOP Sens. Marco Rubio (Fla.) and Jim Risch (Idaho) anxiously griping about the former president. Raising his drink … Read more

Trump Wins South Carolina Primary, Bringing Him 1 Step Closer To GOP Nomination

CHARLESTON, S.C. ― Donald Trump easily won the South Carolina Republican presidential primary on Saturday, handing Nikki Haley an embarrassing defeat in her home state and bringing him one step closer to officially becoming the GOP’s 2024 nominee for the White House. Trump’s victory in South Carolina was never really in doubt. The former president … Read more

Jamie Raskin Calls Biden Impeachment Inquiry A ‘Product Of Russian Disinformation’

WASHINGTON — Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-Md.) said that House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden is a product of Russian propaganda. The Justice Department revealed Tuesday that Alexander Smirnov, an FBI informant who is charged with making up a bribery allegation against Biden, may have ties to Russian intelligence sources. “It appears like the … Read more

Senate Republicans Have Rich People Problems

David McCormick, the GOP candidate challenging Pennsylvania’s Democratic Sen. Bob Casey, was blunt when he spoke with students at Dartmouth University in New Hampshire last month. “I am spending half my time with donors,” McCormick told students at the Tuck School of Business, according to audio obtained by the progressive news site Heartland Signal, adding: … Read more

‘He’s In A Tough Position’: Mitch McConnell’s Influence Wanes In Trump’s GOP

WASHINGTON — Mitch McConnell is widely known to be a cunning, Machiavellian tactician who maximizes his party’s power in the Senate to accomplish hugely consequential conservative victories, including a right-wing Supreme Court majority that may last for decades. But the recent drama in Congress’ upper chamber exposed what has been evident behind the scenes for … Read more

A Brief History Of Republicans Walking Away From Bipartisan Immigration Deals

WASHINGTON ― A bipartisan compromise on immigration reform fell apart this week in the Senate as Republicans heeded former President Donald Trump’s advice to kill it. The deal’s demise showed Trump’s power over Republicans, but it also continued a long-running pattern in immigration politics where a group of Republicans and Democrats strike a compromise, and … Read more