Expert busts myths surrounding yellowy fungus carried by 1 in 4 Brits

Expert busts myths surrounding yellowy fungus carried by 1 in 4 Brits

A quarter of the UK population have a fungal nail infection at any one time, yet only 11 per cent are aware of theirs, according to research by medicated footcare brand Excilor. “Signs include a yellowish tinge or discolouration, hardening, thickening and potentially flaking and crumbling of the nail,” explains GP Dr Gill Jenkins. When … Read more

GP issues headlice warning with rise in nits cases as kids return

GP issues headlice warning with rise in nits cases as kids return

Health experts are warning parents about a potential surge in head lice cases as children return to school. According to the NHS, it is estimated that 1 in 10 primary school children have head lice at any given time, and the problem often worsens in the early autumn months. In fact, cases of head lice … Read more