Norovirus mistake which can actually make you more contagious

It’s the bug sweeping the UK after a 75 percent surge in cases but many thousands of people are unknowingly committing a norovirus mistake that actually spreads it more widely. Norovirus can cause vomiting and diarrhoea in its unfortunate victims and puts people out of action for days battling to stay hydrated. For children and … Read more

Bug sweeping UK as Government issues ‘don’t go to work’ warning

People are being urged not to go to work or school due to a virus sweeping the UK. The UK Health Security Agency has issued an urgent warning over cases of norovirus, which have seen a sharp increase in the past few weeks. The UKHSA said norovirus reports are “still high for this time of … Read more

NHS symptoms of nasty winter vomiting bug to spot as UK cases soar

With spring finally on the way it could be easy to presume we are safe from certain dreaded winter illnesses. While it is true that infections such as flu and Covid spread more easily in colder weather, it does not mean they disappear altogether as temperatures rise. Now health bosses are warning of signs of … Read more