Can you do this simple exercise? If not it could indicate serious health problems

Experts say our physical aptitude can be a “crucial” indicator of our overall health. More specifically, a simple 20-second test could determine how fit and healthy we are. Keeping fit and active is known to improve our chances of living longer. Not only does it give our joints and muscles a workout, but it helps strengthen vital organs … Read more

How to live longer – expert says there’s one meal you should never skip

Loose Women: Dr Hilary discusses how to live longer When it comes to eating a healthy well-balanced diet to increase your overall health and longevity, sometimes we need a little guidance to motivate us to make it happen. Nicci Roscoe is a Master NLP Practitioner and holistic health and wellbeing expert, and while she’s a … Read more

‘I’m a doctor – here are four things I do daily to live a longer, healthier life’

It is impossible to know exactly how long we will live with many contributing factors beyond our control such as genetics, illness and injury. However, our lifestyle habits also have a huge impact on our longevity. Diet, how often we exercise, whether we smoke and how much alcohol we drink all have an influence. Now … Read more

Doctor says there are three things cardiologists do to live longer

How long you live is determined by a multitude of factors. Some are beyond our control such as genetics, illnesses and injury. However, others are lifestyle habits including our diet and how often we exercise. These play a huge role in both our overall health and our heart health. This is of particular concern to … Read more

‘I’m a doctor – here’s my favourite remedy if you want to live longer’

Simple lifestyle changes can add years onto your life, from exercising more, to eating healthier. Dr Chisom Ikeji has another easy “remedy” to help you live longer. The US-based physician has more than 230,000 followers on TikTok and uses her channel to share different health advice, from ways to fix chapped lips to weight loss … Read more

Six diet changes that could help you live up to 13 years longer – doctor advice

Alongside exercising, not smoking and cutting down on the amount of alcohol you drink, health experts say one way to improve longevity is to eat well. Dr Anthony Youn, a plastic surgeon in the US who has 5.01 million subscribers on YouTube, specified six tweaks to your diet could help you live up to 13 … Read more