How to live longer – expert says there’s one meal you should never skip

Loose Women: Dr Hilary discusses how to live longer When it comes to eating a healthy well-balanced diet to increase your overall health and longevity, sometimes we need a little guidance to motivate us to make it happen. Nicci Roscoe is a Master NLP Practitioner and holistic health and wellbeing expert, and while she’s a … Read more

Doctor shares ‘five food secrets’ of the world’s longest living people

Sardinia, Italy, Okinawa, Japan, Nicoya, Costa Rica, and Ikaria, Greece, are just a few of the places in the world where people live the longest. Among other things, what these people eat has a big influence on how long they live. Dr Poonam Desai is a US-based doctor. Addressing her 23,000 followers on TikTok, she … Read more

Six diet changes that could help you live up to 13 years longer – doctor advice

Alongside exercising, not smoking and cutting down on the amount of alcohol you drink, health experts say one way to improve longevity is to eat well. Dr Anthony Youn, a plastic surgeon in the US who has 5.01 million subscribers on YouTube, specified six tweaks to your diet could help you live up to 13 … Read more