Conservative Federal Court Says It Won’t Follow New Guidelines Against Judge-Shopping

Judge David Godbey, the chief judge of the Northern Texas federal district court division, told Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) on March 29 that his court would not follow new guidelines meant to curtail the practice of “judge shopping,” a strategy that conservatives have increasingly used to strike down the policies of President Joe … Read more

Sanjeev Sanyal: I am a big believer in investment-led growth and that is one big area that we need to sustain: Sanjeev Sanyal

Sanjeev Sanyal, Member, PMEAC, says “generally speaking, the economy is in good nick. The game really is not whether the numbers are good now and whether or not we can compound it over 25 years if we want to be a developed country. The real issue is not whether we are generating good numbers now. … Read more