Drink this daily to protect the heart and lower blood pressure, experts say

Heart health is a huge problem in the UK, with cardiovascular disease accounting for around a quarter of all deaths every year. This includes conditions and diseases such as coronary heart disease, heart failure and strokes. And according to the British Heart Foundation, around 7.6 million people in the UK are currently living with cardiovascular … Read more

Dr Michael Mosley recommends 62p food to boost sexual performance

Dr Michael Mosley has highlighted a superstar food that could benefit your health in lots of ways, ranging from lower blood pressure to even possibly better performance between the sheets. The doctor returned to Channel 4 on Monday with another round of health and diet tips. This week on Michael Mosley: Secrets Of Your Big … Read more

Doctor explains three methods for lowering blood pressure ‘within minutes’

Many people get their blood pressure tested at their local GP surgery as part of general health checks. But there are three scenarios that could cause high blood pressure to soar. Family doctor, Dr Jen Caudle, who has 223,000 subscribers on YouTube, offered three ways to bring down blood pressure quickly if these scenarios occur. … Read more