Henry VIII’s condition still affects many due to ‘common mistakes’

Henry VIII’s condition still affects many due to ‘common mistakes’

A condition that plagued Tudor monarch Henry VIII is still impacting one in 500 people today, and experts are warning that common errors can exacerbate it. Leg ulcers, while unpleasant and painful, can be treated more effectively than during the notorious king’s era. However, a vein specialist is worried that individuals continue to make routine mistakes … Read more

The Irish Republican Army Must Exist In The ‘Cars’ Universe

The Irish Republican Army Must Exist In The ‘Cars’ Universe

Image: Graphic: Erik G via Wikimeida Commons / Photo: Daniel Ramirez via Wikimedia Commons The existence of the “Cars” movies opens up all sorts of questions about the world these characters live in. Is there a Cars God? What did Cars evolve from? How are Cars born? The question on the forefront of my mind, … Read more