New theories speculate on how Star Trek’s warp drive could someday happen

New theories speculate on how Star Trek’s warp drive could someday happen

(NewsNation) —  As we ponder how beings from “out there” may be here on earth, scientists are also looking at the companion to that question: how would we earthlings travel “out there?” A group of scientists have written software to help others look for ways to reconcile the science fiction of Star Trek’s warp drive propulsion … Read more

Making The Jump To Warp Speed Might Actually Be Possible One Day

Making The Jump To Warp Speed Might Actually Be Possible One Day

There have been some awesome inventions in the world of science fiction over the years. Whether it’s the Tardis from “Dr Who” and its miraculous traveling abilities or the teleporting talents of the protagonists in “Jumper,” sci-fi has a knack for dreaming up marvelous modes of transport. Now, however, scientists believe one sci-fi invention could, … Read more