New towns and old ideas: Labour’s housing plan – podcast | News

Labour’s key housing pledge is to build 1.5m homes if it wins the general election. Its plan includes a promise to build new towns but what would it take to pull it off? “I think the new towns idea is very grabbing,” Robert Booth, the Guardian’s social affairs correspondent, tells Hannah Moore. “To build genuine … Read more

The economy and Labour’s post-election dilemma – podcast | News

Central to Labour’s campaign over the last few weeks has been one key message: that the party, should it win the election on 4 July, will be a force for stability after years of political turmoil. Keir Starmer’s economic pledges have been aimed to be reassuring and cautious: no big increases in public spending, no … Read more

Labour takes on the SNP in Scotland – podcast | News

“A really typical doorstep conservation will involve someone saying: ‘I’m just completely scunnered, can you do what you can to get them out?’” Kirsty McNeill, the Labour candidate for Midlothian, tells the Guardian’s Scotland correspondent Libby Brooks. “Then I’ll have to clarify: ‘Do you mean them up the road or them down the road?’ And … Read more