Three red flag signs of silent killer condition that can appear in the feet

If you have high cholesterol, which is also known as hypercholesterolemia, it means you have too much of a fatty substance called cholesterol in your blood. While this may not initially cause any issues, over time it can raise your risk for a number of serious health problems. Cholesterol can build-up in the arteries leading … Read more

From itching to dry heels – the feet changes to watch out for

The liver is one of your vital organs, responsible for maintaining key functions throughout the body – and there could be telltale signs around your body that suggest it’s not working properly. The liver is responsible for removing waste products and toxins, as well as converting food into energy, reports The Mirror. It means damage … Read more

Heart disease symptoms include five signs on your feet

Worldwide, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death, responsible for nearly 18 million fatalities annually. This includes conditions that affect the heart and circulatory system such as strokes, coronary heart disease and heart failure. Within the UK it is just as deadly, causing around a quarter of all deaths. Therefore, spotting the warning signs … Read more