Sally Fox’s Cotton Has the Power to Change the Fashion Industry

Nearly 56 years ago, during the Summer of Love, Sally Fox inadvertently laid the seeds for her career as a groundbreaking cotton breeder. A then-11-year-old Fox, accompanied by her older sister, went to Northern California’s first-ever Renaissance Faire and spent her babysitting money on a drop spindle from “these cool people.” From there, she was … Read more

Why Having Children Made Me More, Not Less, Hopeful That We Can Fight the Climate Crisis

It does feel, in many ways, that there are now even fewer reasons to be hopeful, with the film’s setting now seeming less a dystopian future and more a contemporary story about the times we live in, with the UK once again ravaged by flooding, the climate emergency becoming more urgent while political solutions are … Read more

In Her Debut Book, Willow Defebaugh Meditates on a World—And a Life—In Transition

One essay, for example, considers the slow and highly complex metamorphosis of certain insects, such as dragonflies, to reflect on the importance of incremental evolution in the climate movement and our lives more broadly. “We grow imperfectly, incompletely,” she writes. “I’m talking about the subtle shifts, the months of molting, swimming beneath the surface, wondering … Read more