Transport giants have ‘cash to burn’ in freight recession rebound

Transport giants have ‘cash to burn’ in freight recession rebound

Bloomberg | Bloomberg | Getty Images The transports industry remains under a cloud of uncertainty. The Covid boom fueled a major stock rally, but it was followed by a freight recession, overcapacity in ocean shipping and trucking, and now a sector rebound in a strong economy. All the companies involved in the movement of global … Read more

Why Apple is still worth holding despite Wall Street negativity

Why Apple is still worth holding despite Wall Street negativity

Got stopped by a faithful viewer while making a hard left turn with a full cart at Costco Sunday. Reasonable guy. Asked a double-edged question: “What can you do to make my Apple stock go up.” Double-edged because the stock has done nothing since June 2023, but it’s up 30 points from a year ago. … Read more