This Is What 12 Years On Mars Has Done To Curiosity’s Wheels

This Is What 12 Years On Mars Has Done To Curiosity’s Wheels

NASA’s Curiosity rover landed on Mars back in 2012 and since then it’s been put to work exploring the surface of the Red Planet. In the process, it’s traversed more than 20 miles of the lunar surface, which hasn’t been too kind on its little roving wheels. I Need A Sporty Ride That Can Haul … Read more

Radiation could pose challenge to putting people on Mars

Radiation could pose challenge to putting people on Mars

(NewsNation) — A massive solar storm that impacted Earth also affected Mars, and data suggests radiation levels on the red planet could pose a challenge to human exploration there. A record-setting solar storm made the aurora borealis visible as far south as North Carolina, stunning people with a view of the dancing lights not usually … Read more