Cancer Horoscope March 2024: Read Your Monthly Predictions

When the sun moves into Aries on Tuesday, March 19, kicking off Aries season as the first sign of the zodiac, this also marks the astrological New Year. As this coincides with the Spring Equinox, when we celebrate winter transitioning to spring, everyone is tasked with applying the principle of balance to their lives. March … Read more

‘I’m beaming again after brain tumour therapy gave me my life back’ | UK | News

A 15-year-old girl once stricken with a brain tumour is enjoying her childhood again – one of over a thousand patients treated by the UK’s first NHS proton beam therapy centre. In the five years since The Christie Hospital’s High-energy Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) Centre opened in Manchester in late December 2018, over 1,250 gravely-ill … Read more

‘How will I survive?’: As money runs out, breast cancer patient plagued with worry

Lise Lalonde just wants to keep a roof over her head as she faces stage two breast cancer that spread to her lymph nodes. The 51-year-old woman from Beauharnois, Que., was devastated when she received her diagnosis last July and is now on the brink of financial ruin. “How will I survive the next couple … Read more

Spot Lung Cancer Early: Don’t Ignore These 4 Signs

According to the American Cancer Society, lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer death in the United States, accounting for 1 out of every 5 cancer fatalities. Early detection is imperative for increasing survival with lung cancer before the disease spreads beyond the lungs. Currently, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force recommends yearly lung … Read more

King Charles Says Public Support Following Cancer Diagnosis ‘Reduced Me To Tears’

At HuffPost, we believe that everyone needs high-quality journalism, but we understand that not everyone can afford to pay for expensive news subscriptions. That is why we are committed to providing deeply reported, carefully fact-checked news that is freely accessible to everyone. Whether you come to HuffPost for updates on the 2024 presidential race, hard-hitting … Read more

Mississippi inmates were exposed to dangerous chemicals and denied health care, lawsuit says

JACKSON, Miss. — Inmates at a Mississippi prison were forced to mix raw cleaning chemicals without protective equipment, with one alleging she later contracted terminal cancer and was denied timely medical care, a federal lawsuit filed Wednesday alleges. Susan Balfour, 62, was incarcerated for 33 years at Central Mississippi Correctional Facility until her release in … Read more

Mississippi Prison Officials Withheld Cancer Diagnosis

Susie Balfour first started noticing painful lumps in her breast almost 30 years ago. But imprisoned in Mississippi, Balfour didn’t have access to much preventative or diagnostic health care. In 2021, days before she was released, a prison health care official confirmed what she had long feared: She had breast cancer. Once free, Balfour immediately … Read more

What is Alaskapox? Recent death brings attention to virus seen in small animals

NEW YORK — For nine years, Alaska health officials have been aware of an unusual virus causing rare, relatively mild illnesses in the Fairbanks area. But a recent case in another part of the state — this one resulting in a man’s death — has brought new attention to the so-called Alaskapox virus. Here’s some … Read more

Elderly Alaska man is first reported person to die of recently discovered Alaskapox virus

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — An elderly man has died from Alaskapox, the first known fatality from the recently discovered virus, state health officials said. The man, who lived in the remote Kenai Peninsula, was hospitalized last November and died in late January, according to a bulletin last week from Alaska public health officials. The man was … Read more