Cancer patient’s long wait for treatment highlights frustration with UK government as election nears

Cancer patient’s long wait for treatment highlights frustration with UK government as election nears

LONDON — Nathaniel Dye believes he probably won’t live to see Britain’s next election. But the music teacher diagnosed with stage 4 bowel cancer is doing everything he can to make sure the Labour Party wins this one. Dismayed by delays in his diagnosis by the National Health Service, the 38-year-old says he feels let … Read more

Unexpected Signs Of Skin Cancer For Basal Cell And Squamous Cell Carninoma

Unexpected Signs Of Skin Cancer For Basal Cell And Squamous Cell Carninoma

Medical professionals and organizations like the American Academy of Dermatology frequently educate their patients on the ABCDEs of melanoma, the most dangerous form of skin cancer ― and for good reason. “Melanoma is the ‘deadly skin cancer,’ as this type of skin cancer can metastasize,” said Dr. Elaine Kung, a New York-based board-certified dermatologist. Once … Read more

Vancouver police officer completes cross-Canada bike ride for pediatric cancer research

Vancouver police officer completes cross-Canada bike ride for pediatric cancer research

A Vancouver-based police sergeant landed in Halifax after cycling across Canada to raise money for pediatric cancer research. After riding with Cops for Cancer for 15 years, Dayne Campbell was about to hang up his helmet, but then his daughter got sick. So he decided to embark on this cross-country tour in her honour. “Two-thirds … Read more

Baby cousin with cancer inspires girls to sew hospital gowns for sick kids across U.S. and Africa

Baby cousin with cancer inspires girls to sew hospital gowns for sick kids across U.S. and Africa

FREEHOLD, N.J. — Fighting brain cancer, little Giada Demma was lying in her pediatric hospital bed, her tiny body virtually swimming in a drab green hospital gown. Her cousin Giuliana Demma remembers looking at the 1-year-old and thinking how sad the scene was: a small child awash in an ugly gown several sizes too big … Read more

More African nations focus on HPV vaccination against cervical cancer, but hesitancy remains

More African nations focus on HPV vaccination against cervical cancer, but hesitancy remains

ABUJA, Nigeria — Yunusa Bawa spends a lot of time talking about the vaccine for the human papillomavirus that is responsible for nearly all cases of cervical cancer. But on most days, only two or three people allow their daughters to be vaccinated in the rural part of Nigeria where he works. The challenge in … Read more

Federal appeals court says some employers can exclude HIV prep from insurance coverage

Federal appeals court says some employers can exclude HIV prep from insurance coverage

NEW ORLEANS — Employers who challenged some federal health insurance requirements cannot be forced to provide no-cost coverage for certain types of preventive care, including HIV prep and some kinds of cancer screenings, a federal appeals court in New Orleans ruled Friday. The ruling from the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals is narrow, applying … Read more

The 1 Unexpected Sign Of Colon Cancer

The 1 Unexpected Sign Of Colon Cancer

With more and more young people being diagnosed with colorectal cancer, it’s natural to be nervous about the disease. Rates of colorectal cancer in people under 50 have been increasing since the 1990s, according to Dr. Michael Cecchini, a co-director of the colorectal program at the Center for Gastrointestinal Cancers and medical oncologist at Yale … Read more

Red flag early skin cancer symptoms to look for after 15 minutes in the sun

Red flag early skin cancer symptoms to look for after 15 minutes in the sun

Everyone is being urged to keep an eye out for skin cancer symptoms which can develop after just 15 minutes in the sun. This weekend Britain has finally seen some summer sun after the wet and cold June burst into life with long days of sunshine and temperatures nudging 20C. And this week, even more … Read more

Coming back from cancer, Brazil rugby sevens star Raquel Kochhann ready to tackle her third Olympics

Coming back from cancer, Brazil rugby sevens star Raquel Kochhann ready to tackle her third Olympics

She heard her No. 10 being called, tapped hands with a teammate who was leaving the field, and ran into position for Brazil, a smile on her face. She made a quick sign of the cross, rubbed her hands and held them up with fingers splayed to receive the ball. And then Raquel Kochhann nodded: … Read more