ZOE founder shares ‘weakness’ he indulges in every night

ZOE founder shares ‘weakness’ he indulges in every night

A ZOE nutritionist has lifted the lid on the one indulgence he permits himself every night, despite adhering to a nutritious diet. Gut health guru Professor Tim Spector practices what he calls the “80/20 rule” in terms of his eating habits 80 per cent of the time he sticks to healthy foods, whilst for the … Read more

The unusual sign when you speak that could signal silent killer disease

The unusual sign when you speak that could signal silent killer disease

Diabetes is a serious and typically lifelong condition which causes your blood sugar levels to become too high. While it is not known exactly what causes type 1 diabetes, among type 2 patients this is often linked to factors such as being overweight and not exercising enough. However, it can also run in families. While … Read more

Exercising at specific time of day could slash blood sugar levels, study says

Exercising at specific time of day could slash blood sugar levels, study says

We are all well aware of the importance of exercise. Regular physical activity is vital for not only maintaining a healthy weight but for lowering our risk of dangerous conditions such as coronary heart disease, stroke and cancer. It can also help protect against type 2 diabetes, a condition more than three million people in … Read more